I write it on a strip and we cut it apart and scramble up the words {or the letters, if I cut up words}. Students glue the sentence into their cut up sentence book, like the one above.
The above can be found in Sight Word Centers.
If they don’t know the word, it stays in the first pocket. I send that word home so they can practice it at home. The next day we begin with the second pocket. If they read those words correctly, they move to the third pocket. If not, they stay in the second pocket. Then we read the words in the first pocket. Again, they move to the next pocket if they know the word. We keep doing this until the words move out of the sixth pocket. I add new words to the first pocket when this occurs. This is a great way for students to learn words because it calls for daily repetition and they are working at home, too.
Try them out with your class and let me know what you think! If you want to read about some of the tools I use during guided reading, check out this blog post.