The end of the year tends to creep up on us fast! We blink, and somehow, it’s May! And the last few months of school get super busy and can be overwhelming for students, so it’s important to incorporate fun activities that help them enjoy their time. And it’s a fun way for me to celebrate them. Snag up some of these ideas to make the end of the year special for your students.

Superhero Activity
The end of the year is so bittersweet, I have been teaching for many years, and no matter what, I get a bit emotional at the end of the year. My firsties grow so much, and they mold into completely different kids by the end of the year. So, what better way to celebrate those accomplishments than with a cape?!? This is an activity that I do every single year because it celebrates community and provides students with positive affirmations. Students get to check off all the things they accomplished throughout the year and celebrate by being a superhero. And, I mean, who doesn’t love to wear a cape?

Memory Books
What better way to celebrate the end of the year than with a book that lets students revisit some of their favorite memories? Memory books allow students to wrap up the school year, and I let students work on them a little bit each day. They love it. Memory books also include a spot for students to write letters to their parents and themselves, which becomes a terrific keepsake. I love when my own kids pull out their boxes of stuff from childhood!

Teaching through a pandemic really challenged me to document more and take more pictures. When we ended the school year after distance learning, I didn’t realize how much I would miss sifting through photos and creating my end-of-year slideshow.
Slideshows are fun for students and parents, especially when there are limitations on classroom visitors. Parents love to see what their kids create and learn throughout the school year. However, making slideshows can be super time-consuming, but this resource has made it super simple for you just to plug in your photos. I also share a copy with my parents, and they love it!
Camping Day
The closer and closer we inch to the end of the year, the less engaged my students are. The weather is nice, testing is done, and they are ready for a break, so I must pull out all my tricks to keep them on task and engaged. Classroom transformations are always the perfect solution to get my students engaged, even when tons of learning is involved.
Camping day is always a hit, and you can get as creative as you want. I’ve brought in tents before, and there have been years where we constructed our own- a great way to include STEM learning! We enjoy sweet treats while working on some learning activities. Or try heading outside to roast marshmallows on foil in the sun; your students will love it. However, you decide to transform your classroom, I can promise that your students will absolutely love it. It’s such a great change of pace to spark a little excitement at the end of the year.
I love to incorporate end-of-the-year awards, and it’s an easy way to celebrate my students individually and send them off with positive affirmations. They work hard all year long, and simple yet meaningful activities remind them of that hard work. But, over in my first-grade classroom, we tend to go all out with a red carpet and put on a fantastic award show. There are awards from handsome handwriting to delightful dancer, my students look forward to this award ceremony, and it builds students up before sending them off!

End of the Year Countdown
Is it even the end of the year without a countdown? Believe it or not, this is my best behavior management strategy for the end of the year. This is my special version of a countdown. We not only count the days until summer, but we also must work together as a class to earn a balloon pop that includes a special surprise.
There are special days such as choosing your own seat, a dance party, and a fan favorite, extra recess! I have also made this template editable if there is something your students come up with on their own. A balloon pop countdown encourages students to stay on task and hold it together for those special surprises. It definitely adds an element of excitement to the end of the year!
End of the Year Photo Props
Towards the end of the year, my students love talking about goal-setting, growth mindset, and the future. And one of my favorite bulletin boards to display in the last few weeks of school is a “when I grow up board,” and we have fun making props and sharing future career aspirations with photos. After all the pictures have been taken, I post them on a bulletin board as well as print a set for parents, too! I have teachers make classroom career books that were sent home at the end of the year.
End of Year Smarties
I just created this resource because I want my students to recognize that hard work pays off! We read the book The Smart Cookie by Jory John and Pete Oswald. Then students write about the growth they’ve made and reflect on why they made that growth. Check it out here!

Reading is a great way to begin discussions about feelings. While summer is great, transitions are hard for kids. Change is hard. These picture books help students talk about their feelings.
Check out my must-have book list for the end of the year here!

The end of the year is a celebration for everyone, and these activities make those last few weeks of school fun for students and a bit easier for us teachers. Let’s be honest, it was hard to survive at times, so celebrate and enjoy the last few weeks of school. What is your favorite must-do activity for the end of the year?
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