I find it
In some ways my first Back to School seems
like yesterday.
preparing for the first day.
worry if the students and parents will like me.
ago. Every year so much changes. Last year was our first year implementing
Common Core. I had so much to learn {and
still do}. I spent many hours {hours I
should have been sleeping} analyzing student work and the standards trying to
determine if I was doing CCSS correctly. This year we have a new teacher
evaluation system. We had a trial run
last year and, to be honest, I did not pay too much attention to it since it
didn’t count. I felt like I had enough
on my plate without worrying about my evaluation.
kiddos to get to know and love. The
struggle is engaging them {without really knowing them} at the year’s
start. I don’t know about you, but I
have noticed a decline in student’s attitudes about reading. I don’t know if it is the technological age,
or parents, including myself, being so busy making ends meet, that the urgency
to want to read and the love of books is not the same in my first graders as it
was when I began teaching. I know it is
not just my school, city, or even state.
When I talk to teachers around the country, they feel the same.
love of learning.
From the very first
day, I read.
messages. I read musical books that
students can sing along to. I read
nonfiction books to demonstrate curiosity, wondering and new learning. I read books that have rhyme and repetition
so my students can chant along with the story. I read books that teach a
lesson. I read books for many different purposes. When school starts, I read books that foster kindness, acceptance and community.
First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg
about going to a new school. She won’t get out of bed because she keeps thinking about all of the bad things that can happen. Many students can relate to Sarah’s feelings, The best part is the surprise
ending! This book reassures children that they are not alone in their anxieties about new
David Goes to School by David Shannon
I love David because I relate to him. I read No, David and David Goes to School because he makes mistakes but is forgiven and loved. I always remind kids that everyone makes mistakes and it is o.k. That is how we learn. We talk about what
David does wrong and how he could have made better choices. We discuss which behaviors are
good choices and poor choices and come up with our class rules.
Shoes by Eric Litwin
all good.
I use this book to engage students into a conversation about what to do when things don’t go your way. I tell students they have two choices – to get upset and ruin your day or to be positive, shake it off, and keep on going with your day. I remind them {all year} that the choice is theirs to make.
Pete the Cat: Rocking in
My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
I like to read this book before we take our school tour.
All the while, Pete stays positive because it’s all good.
First graders love to guess which room Pete is in and are so proud when they are right. Students will beg you to read this book over and over again. There is also a link to the book where Eric Litwin reads and sings the story.
invisible bucket in which we keep our feelings about ourselves. When our
buckets are full, we are happy. When it is empty, we are sad. When people’s buckets are filled, the world is a happy place. We want to live in a happy world. How do we make that happen? Filling other people’s buckets. We do that by doing nice things and using kind words to the people around us. The book explains bucket dippers – those who are mean and unhappy. Bucket dippers can empty our bucket and make us feel sad. It tells us that bucket dippers usually act that way to make themselves feel good but it never works. I use this terminology all year and the first graders really get it. It is not uncommon to hear a child come in from recess telling me someone was a bucket dipper and they tried to fill their bucket to make them happier. That is the kind of world I want to live in.
Students will try to read these books but many are above the first grade reading level. So, I need to read books that children listen to and love them so much that they want to read them. These are my fun books.
hook my readers. These are the books the
students read over and over and over again.
I love to hear them read with such expression and fluency, mimicking
me. And they will do this till the very
last day of school.
Yes, every single one.
Many I have in duplicate because they are so desirable.
Patricia Polacco or Eve Bunting. They
are silly books that are quite simple.
of his books you have to infer. Most
have surprise endings. They are based on simple ideas but use word play,
include interesting words, and teach children about dialogue, paying attention
to punctuation, expression, making connections, and allow students to feel like
successful readers. Simply put, children
enjoy reading these books. They make
them want to read. Be assured
students will not read these books forever.
They will get into a variety of different books as they grow up and they will love reading.
This is my favorite:
I think this book is ingenious. Mo makes the characters realize they are in a book being read. Elephant and Piggie then have us say, “Banana”. My first graders ask me to reread this book over and over again.
Here are two more of my favorites:
I know these by heart, and if I must say so myself, I am VERY good at acting them out. Even my struggling readers can fluently read these by the middle of the year. Talk about a confidence booster. And, yes, they read other books, too, because they want to read.
What books do you like to read the first few weeks? How do you “hook” your students into reading? I would love to hear your ideas!!
Those are great read alouds! Thanks for sharing.